Request for appeal


From: Jon Morgan

Dear Facebook,


I am writing to appeal the decision made last week to disable my Facebook account registered under the email address of and the name Jon Alan Morgan. What I believe happened is that my account was accessed by someone who then changed the header images on one of the pages I manage for the Shepherd Maple Syrup Festival.


You will find that the page began displaying communist propaganda inside the header and profile image areas which was not characteristic for the page, given its history, or my past usage of my personal profile. I am confident that if you were to review the histories of both pages, you would find that I didn’t make those changes, so I didn’t violate the terms of community standards.


I have tried to appeal electronically a number of times, but the response was that my account could not be reviewed or re-enabled. I hope that you can help me by getting this decision reversed.




Jon Morgan


3 thoughts on “Request for appeal

  1. My hopes are that Facebook will research this further and do their due diligence in resolving this issue. Your usage history should show a clear and consistent pattern and make it easy for them to see make a well thought out decision.

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