Weekly Video Chats

On this Wednesday, August 18, I am going to be holding the first of what I hope will be a series of weekly video chats during which anybody who wants to discuss the problems with Facebook can join in. My goal will be to go live for about 30 minutes during which I’ll give some…

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Facebook has an identity crisis

Social media sites, such as Twitter, Facebook, and others, all grew in popularity because of their innovation, convenience, and “fun” factor. Facebook, specifically, took the concept of the blog and somehow made it smaller. Instead of sharing a long string of thoughts, you were sharing a single thought or idea. People weren’t thinking about the…

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What have I learned from my experience with Facebook?

Today, I wanted to share a different perspective on Facebook. It started out as something fun, but now it is a necessity, much like a utility. But, we would never expect our electricity company to turn off our power abruptly and without explanation if they disapproved of how we talked in our home, or how we dressed. Social media is different, of course, but no less of a detriment if we lose our access.

In today’s post, I explored the idea that Facebook should be considered a utility. And, if we can’t change how the social network handles moderation, then all we can do is change our own behavior by taking a few extra steps each year to backup our data.

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Request for appeal

To: appeals@fb.com From: Jon Morgan Dear Facebook, . I am writing to appeal the decision made last week to disable my Facebook account registered under the email address of 32bpwr3@gmail.com and the name Jon Alan Morgan. What I believe happened is that my account was accessed by someone who then changed the header images on…

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